Spring 2023 Newsletter
Kimbolton Medical Centre – Spring NEWSLETTER
Welcome to the Spring 2023 edition of our newsletter
A message from the Partners
So much has happened since our last formal practice newsletter! A global pandemic with all the heartache of loss, isolation and worry. Lots has changed within the World and lots has changed in our health service.
There is no doubt that the NHS as a whole is groaning under the weight of high demand, long waiting times and increased patient complexity.
At Kimbolton Medical Centre, every one of us remains committed to providing our patients with the best possible care in your hour of need. Bear with us if things take a little longer or if we’re having to do things a little differently than we did a few years ago.
As well as many familiar faces, we have some great new staff members to welcome you. If the pandemic has taught us one thing, we know there are a number of problems that can be managed safely and efficiently over the phone and a number of patients prefer this, but be reassured we are still here in person and you will be given the choice of a telephone or face to face appointment in most cases.
So, as the sun starts to shine and the temperatures begin to rise, we wish you all a Happy Spring and a warm welcome if you visit the surgery.
The practice offers free NHS health checks to patients 45-74 years of age. The health check involves a blood test and will give you an assessment on heart disease, diabetes and stroke. You will also be offered lifestyle advice. It really is a good way to stop and take stock of your health and fitness.
To see if you are eligible or to book an appointment, please contact the surgery or go to reception
Repeat Prescriptions
Please allow 5 working days for a repeat prescription. Your repeat can be requested online or by post only. Please do not call the dispensary to check if your prescription is ready, it will be ready from 5 working days unless we contact you.
Hospital Appointments
We are aware that long waiting times are an issue in some of our local hospitals. This can be a frustrating time waiting for news. Below are some contact details if you are wishing to find out what is happening with your hospital appointment.
Unfortunately we do not have access to the appointment data ourselves, so we are unable to advise you on this.
Peterborough Outpatient Booking Office:
Telephone: 01733 673555
PALS: 01733 673405 / Nwangliaft.pals@nhs.net
Hinchingbrooke Outpatient Booking Office
Telephone: 01480 847444
PALS: 01480 428964 / Hch-tr.pals@nhs.net
Addenbrookes Outpatient Booking Office
Telephone: 01223 806000
PALS: 01223 216756 / pals@addenbrookes.nhs.uk
*PALS: Patient Advice & Liaison Service
Hay Fever – Allergy UK helpline: 01322 619898
Hay fever affects around 20% of people in the UK. Lindsey McManus of Allergy UK offers some tips on avoiding the causes and reducing your symptoms.
“The main triggers of hay fever are tree and grass pollen,” says Lindsey. “The pollen count is always higher when it’s a nice, bright, sunny day.”
Top Tips:
- If grass makes you sneeze, get someone else to mow your lawn. If you react to grass and you spend time on the lawn, you’ll get symptoms.
- Create a barrier by smearing Vaseline inside your nostrils.
- Don’t sit outside between 4pm and 7pm or in the early morning, as the pollen count is highest at these times.
- Don’t sleep or drive with the windows open, as this will allow pollen to come in.
- Damp dust regularly.
- Wash your hair. Pollen is sticky and may be in your hair.
- Vacuum. Pollen can live in carpet for up to three months.
- Talk to your GP or pharmacist about any treatment you’re taking for hay fever as it might be worth trying a new treatment. The same antihistamine [anti-allergy treatment] doesn’t always work for someone year after year. Try something different, such as a nasal spray or a new antihistamine.
What is the Patient Participation Group or PPG?
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of people who are patients of the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff.
We meet at the surgery, but not too often. We know that you are busy, so we meet only a few times per year and hope that you can join us.
Why should I join?
Your experiences matter and you can bring different ideas to the surgery to help us treat patients better or to improve what we do in some way.
You will also gain a better understanding of the NHS, and gather feedback from other patients.
Will my views be heard?
Your views are important and will be listened to. It may not be possible to act on every suggestion, but all feedback is very valuable.
Working in a spirit of mutual respect, openness and trust, all patients’ views will be discussed and, where appropriate, we will work together on solutions.
If you would like to join our PPG please complete the patient group sign up form on our website.
Staff Updates
There have been many changes since our last newsletter. We are fortunate to have a fantastic team who are working hard to provide excellent quality patient care.
Please see our website for full list of staff members. https://www.kimboltonmedicalcentre.nhs.uk
Dr Kate O’Shea and Dr Genevieve Antwi are shortly going on maternity leave – watch out for lovely baby news in our next newsletter.
Private Referrals
If after seeing your GP you decide you wish to proceed with a private referral then please arrange your consultant appointment and advise our secretary as soon as possible. They will need time to organise a private referral letter to be sent to your consultant before your appointment.
Likewise, if you decide you do not wish to proceed along this route then please also call and advise our secretary as she will be waiting to hear from you.
Thank You
Parking Consideration
Please could we ask patients to refrain from driving down the side/back of our building where our staff park their cars. This is a tricky area to turn around in, and to prevent any damage to staff cars we would appreciate if you could not use this area of our car park.
Thank you.